Hello! I'm Dani

The Young Globetrotter

The Young Globetrotter AKA Solo Traveller

You might be wondering, what is a globetrotter exactly? I’ll let the dictionary do the talking

Solo Traveller

Travel Highlight Reel

How I Became a Full-Time Solo Traveller

When I first started as a Solo Traveller I was 17 years old and completely clueless on where to start, what to do, what to pack, where to go, and how much money I needed. But what I was certain about, was that I wanted to travel. There are many famous travel bloggers out there, but one thing that I did notice, most of the well known popular travel bloggers/vloggers seem to be well into their late 20s or 30s, already having gone to college (or not) and talk about quitting their typical 9-5 job to travel full time.

None of this is something I could really relate to, as I hadn’t even finished high school yet, let alone college, and was nowhere near being financially stable, responsible, or was a full-time employee. Although I want my blog to be a space that everyone can benefit from, no matter how old they are or which stage of life they are at, my blog specifically targets young people, whether they be high schoolers, college students, gap year participates, or anything in between.

I want young students and young adults to realize that they DON’T have to be rich to travel, they DON’T have to have a degree or have graduated to travel, they DON’T need a travel companion to travel, and they DON’T have to be afraid of traveling solo, especially as a young female. If there is one thing I hope you take away from this blog, it is the importance of getting outside of your comfort zone, not being afraid to go off of the traditional path and to travel for YOU and not worry about who doesn’t want or support you to travel. You are only young once, so don’t wait until you retire and are too old to participate in fun traveling activities, don’t wait until you graduate and have a ton of student loans on your shoulders, and don’t wait until you are stuck in a typical 9-5 jobs with only 2-3 weeks of vacations a year. GO NOW AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES NOT TO GO!!! (Coronavirus pending of course)